Felix Nemirovsky

info at chubaconsulting.com


Who hires Chuba Consulting Services

♦ When the Board of Directors feels that a new approach is needed and/or a validation of key assumptions should be performed
♦ When the CTO needs fresh thinking about next generation architecture or evaluation of new technologies

♦ When an engineering bound company wants to figure out why their great technology is not selling

♦ When they tier one companies of your target market don’t know that you exist


Then, its time for


♦ Market Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Product Strategy Analysis

♦ Fresh thinking about use cases, customer profiles, SWAT

New product ideas for deployment of in-house or acquired technologies

Customer and Partner strategies: alliances, positioning, value proposition

Product development process: MRD, PRD, feature roadmap, strategic customer feedback

Product launch: press release, trade shows, networking and direct introductions


As a result, the objective always is


An on-time product for an existing or newly developing market

A value proposition for a real customer demand and a barrier of entry for competition


What enables Chuba to deliver on the stated strategies


a mastery of technology and its deployment architecture

a “spiritual” intuition in technological trends and market opportunities

an inspiring evangelism and leadership

a passion for achievement