Felix Nemirovsky

info at chubaconsulting.com

Industry Forums

Industry Organizations and Forums with leadership or membership role by F. Nemirovsky




Founded and Chaired OSTA MPV (Music, Photo, Video) Committee responsible for development of metadata interoperability specification for sharing of music, video and picture content on physical media and portable media devices. Members included: HP, Sony, Olympus, Epson, Samsung, PortalPlayer, and others.

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Chaired the OSTA MultiRead committee responsible for development and promotion of optical media compatibility specification adopted by all major PC brands, operating systems and optical device manufacturers. Member companies included: Sony, Philips, Panasonic, Toshiba, Microsoft, Dell, Oak Technology and others.

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 Member of CEA Audio Book (R6 WG11); CEA PMP Interconnect (R6 WG15)

Member of DVD Forum




Founded PictSync organization responsible for development of picture device exchange compatibility specification. Members included Samsung, HP, Olympus, Epson, PortalPlayer. Read More